
Monday, December 27, 2010

CHRISTmas Break {Part 2!}

I can't believe how fast CHRISTmas came and went!! All of that planning and preparation, only for it to be over way too soon!!
 We certainly enjoyed our family time together and will be said when Daddy has to go 
back to work tomorrow, but glad that it is a short work week!

Here are a few of the activities we enjoyed this week!

We always enjoy driving around and looking at all of the CHRISTmas lights!
There is a neighborhood here that links up all of their lights to holiday songs that play on the 
radio and their lights flash to the music you play in your car!
The girls LOVE going to see these lights every year!!

 We studied snow a bit this week (yes, we had a white CHRISTmas here) 
and had fun reading about snowmen!

 Elle made up a card game last year called "sugarnuts." 
It is like war where the player with the highest card wins, but
when you both turn over the same card, you have to be the first to 
slap the cards and yell out "sugarnuts!!" It is totally fun and we have a ball playing it!

Our little snowmen:)

 Here are the girls on CHRISTmas morning with their 
new matching pj's (our family tradition).

 Daddy reading "God Gave us Christmas" to Elle and Em (Em was sitting on the potty;)
 And, our adorable Ce Ce (7 months old) thoroughly enjoyed 
her very first CHRISTmas!!!

 The girls had lots of fun jumping on Daddy:)

And, yes, he had to go to the chiropractor today, lol.

 It wouldn't be CHRISTmas without cooking!!
The girls and I made this seriously awesome 
Maple Roasted chicken with sweet potatoes and fresh thyme!
It was amazing!!

 Caramel-Pecan Cheesecake---really good!

 Overnight French Toast Souffle--oh, my this was good!

The girls had a ball making snowflake tortillas baked with 
a little bit of butter, cinnamon and sugar!

We also had a lot of fun putting together
our CHRISTmas tree breakfast rolls made with turkey sausage.
It was really good and fun to make, too:)

Well, now the task begins to work off all of the extra fat
and calories we took in over the past weekend!!

WARNING: If Mommy is a bit cranky, it's because I am 
de-toxing from all of the sugar and fat I have indulged in 
that I do not typically eat, lol. Please be gentle with 
me over the next few weeks:)

We LOVE our holiday decor and usually leave it up until New Year's. 
When do you all take down your holiday decorations and CHRISTmas tree??



  1. Hi, I stopped by from Hip Homeschool hop. It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas. We read, God gave us Christmas every year. I love the snowflake tortilla, we will have to try that. Thanks!

  2. Hi! I'm popping over from the hip homeschool hop. I just wanted to say that your girls are GORGEOUS! It looks like you have so much fun together. I love the "sugernuts" game. That totally sounds like something my kids would come up with!

  3. We will take our tree down around January 7th or so. Looks like your family had an awesome Christmas! Thanks for joining in the Hip Homeschool Hop!

  4. Your girls are so adorable! Looks like a wonderful CHRISTmas! I love how they helped you with the cooking! All the food looks so yummy! Have a Blessed New Year! Kerri


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