
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving Week Wrap-Up!! {Part 1}

We have had a wonderful Thanksgiving week!! It started out a bit lagging because I was highly disappointed that our Thanksgiving was not going to turn out as "planned." BUT, God gave me the grace to plow through, remain flexible and make the most of what we DO have (counting my blessings and remaining grateful- "Give thanks in all circumstances." I Thesselonians 5:18 comes to mind)!

We did have a regular school week for the most part, but the BEST part of the week was having my husband home Weds-Sunday!! Oh, we LOVE when Daddy is home--it makes our days go even faster, but they are so much more fun! What is it about Daddy that brings the "fun factor" into the day?? I often wonder about this...

On our Learning Chart for this week:
Letter G, Number 2, and our Bible Verse "Give thanks to the lord, for he is good. His love endures forever."  Our godly character trait/action for the week was giving. Each week, we focus on a different trait to instill in our girls {got to make sure they are firmly rooted in a godly foundation.}

The girls had their memory verse totally memorized on Monday of this week! We are always amazed at their absorbent minds and how much they retain so quickly! Em really loved this verse and at the end added "his love endures forever and ever, and ever, and ever!" We thought this was so cute--I wish I could get it on video and post it here!

Letter G is for GYM!!

We recently joined a WONDERFUL Homeschool Gym class in our town!! The girls LOVE going each week and really look forward to it! Elle is old enough to formally be in the class, but the church has a wonderful play room for toddlers/babies and Em loves going there and playing while Elle is in gym class. Plus, the gym teacher is so kind, he allows all the siblings to join in some free play time between classes;-) I even get a chance to get some exercise and run around with the kids--it is a lot of fun for everyone! This is especially nice since it has gotten cold here and we will be spending more time indoors. Plus, it gives our girls another nice opportunity to socialize with other homeschooled children and their families. We have met some really nice homeschoolers through this class and look forward to 
taking field trips with them as well!

Ce Ce and Em playing while Elle is in Gym class.

Also, G is for Grandma! My Mother-In-Law has been coming over and spending some time with the girls recently. They always look forward to seeing her and 
getting special "Grandma time!"

We have had a blast reading all types of Thanksgiving-themed books this week! Here are a few of our favorites!!

This week's Science Experiment:
"G is for Glue."

 We had a really fun time making glue! The girls couldn't believe the goopy mixture was going to actually become sticky and hold!

 I LOVE how excited Elle gets about learning new things!

We created Books of Thanks this week in celebration of Thanksgiving. 
We had the girls go through some magazines and cut out pictures of some of their favorite things-things that they are thankful for. Then, they cut them out and glued them inside of a booklet we printed and colored a cornucopia. It was a great activity related to thanksgiving and a fun craft as well!

 Em REALLY LOVES reading her Book of Thanks! She keeps telling everyone "I made this" and telling all of the things she is thankful for--what a blessing;) Plus, Elle has been VERY patient and listens to her read the book over.and.over.and.over.again, lol!

Here is our Letter G drawer--(girl, glitter, goat, guitar) from our Alphabet Box. We always have so much fun with these little treasures! Em is even doing a really good job of coming up with words that start with the letter G;)

Just so I could get started on the massive amount of cooking we did for Thanksgiving, we let the girls have a little screen time on starfall. They really enjoyed creating an avatar and Elle did an EXCELLENT job reading and navigating the site!! I was so proud of how well they worked as a team and discovered lots of new and fun ways to learn using the computer!

We had absolutely NO idea what Em was making here, but she took her time and came up with this design all by herself;) She was so proud of her work--Elle wanted to hopscotch on it, lol.

 I guess it's not so bad when your kids would rather play with their
books than their toys, LOL! Elle did a pretty nice job of sorting her books by size. She also will sort them by genre.
 Here are some of their corn crafts for Thanksgiving.
 The girls thought it was really fun painting with q-tips! I wish I would've had some actual corn cobs they could've painted with--next time!

Well, there is a look at part 1 of our Thanksgiving Week! Stay tuned for more;)
As always, thank you so much for reading! We sincerely hope you are inspired by something you see on our blog! We appreciate your comments and wish you blessings!

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