
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Our Thankful Jar {with actions}. Pre-Thanksgiving...

We are preparing for Thanksgiving and have been counting our blessings all month long. Most mornings, my wonderful husband gets up with the two oldest girls and gets them a *hot* cooked breakfast (before he leaves for work)while I nurse the baby and get her up and ready for the day. We all have breakfast together and ask each other what we are thankful for. We have decided to come up with a family "Thankful Jar" that also includes actions associated with each thing we are thankful for. For example, Elle said she is thankful for Vacation Bible School, so we chose the action to be for us to listen to the music CD from VBS and sing the songs. She LOVES going to VBS and cannot wait for her sister(s) to join her! Em said she is thankful for Mommy and Daddy. Her action is to give us lots and lots of kisses;) Isn't she the sweetest!! We have so many things to be thankful for and we want to have some tangible action or goal to make sure we "show" how thankful we are!

Here is our Thankful Jar along with some paper plate turkeys our girls made. Each of the feathers has something they are thankful for written on it. We traced the girls' feet in order to make the body of the turkey-they thought it tickled like crazy!! Elle made her turkey craft all by herself! We are so proud of their little grateful hearts;)

"In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus."
I Thesallonians 5:18

What are you thankful for??

And, this is our latest favorite book. It's called, "Thanksgiving at the Tappletons." It is a hilarious story about a family that ended up not having their perfect thanksgiving dinner, but still had a perfect thanksgiving.
The girls keep asking us to read it over.and.over.and.over again;-)

Please be sure to peak at some of our other posts and learn more about our homeschool journey. We are so glad you are here;)


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  1. good idea .. AGAIN lol. Like I said before my kids are not thankful for anything. Maybe I could try using this maybe it will get them to try to be thankful.

  2. Oh I love the jar idea! We did a thankful tree last year, and we'll be doing it again this year. We're doing our thanksgiving stuff next week (we'll be rushed) I plan to do the same turkey that ya'll's cute!! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  3. We also love "Thanksgiving at the Tappletons"- it is hands down my favorite Thanksgiving book. The turkey plates are adorable!

  4. What a wonderful idea! We should always be thankful for everything we have :-)

    Thanks for linking up to Welcome Weekend and posting the button. Hope you join us next week. I'm now following you via GFC and e-mail.

  5. I love the thankful jar and the turkeys. I have never heard of that book, but I love the sound of it. I am going to have to write it down for next year, because there is no way I will be able to find it for this year now. Doubt our library has it, I will have to wait for it to come in if it's in the system.
    We are making a thankfulness turkey "banner" I posted about it last night, have yet to hang the turkeys.
    Oh I am signing up to receive your posts by email

  6. I don't plan on homeschooling but I love your blog just for the ideas of educational fun things to do with your children :) Even though I won't homeschool I do look forward to having learning "fun" with Johnathan. I think even public school moms can benefit a ton from reading homeschool blogs like yours... if for no other reason than it's really easy to overlook the fact your child can have a ton of fun with the simplest of things (like sorting different sized objects into trays), and be learning at the same time.
    How much better off would the world be if every mom just took that extra time to use playtime to help teach? And whether you're homeschool or public school how can you go wrong spending a few bucks at a thrift store, teaching your child something new, and having a blast with them while doing it?
    So thanks for the blog hon, i'm getting tons of ideas i'll file away for the future :)

  7. Oh, what a fantastic idea! This is such a great way to take the "I'm Thankful For..." to another level with an action item/activity for each. I love this!

  8. Oh gosh, I just love the idea of associating actions to what we are thankful for - what a brilliant idea! I'm all for getting more hugs and kisses! ;)

  9. Thank you ALL so much for your comments!! I really appreciate each and every one of them! Elisette, thank you so much for your input! I am so glad to hear that non-homeschooling parents can still be encouraged by our blog! That is the so encouraging to me!


We really look forward to reading your comments, and appreciate you taking the time to share the love!