
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Letter Cc is For...{Part 2}, plus a fun {Science Spotlight}!!

This week has totally FLOWN BY!! I don't know about you all, but the time change here really didn't do us any good. The girls are super-tired and no one is really on a good flowing schedule yet. I really pray that we all get some rest soon and get back 
to our normal daily rhythms. Plus, my husband has been sick and now the girls sound like they are getting it. too--ack!

Both Elle and Em do an excellent job with their weekly Bible Memory Verse!
They always look forward to seeing what the new verse will be;-)

Well, here is the continuation of our Letter C studies. It was so much fun studying about the Water Cycle. I promised you more about it and here it is!

We made this awesome Water Cycle visual aid that we just love using to discuss
and learn about the water cycle! It is really a great way to really "see" how the water keeps moving throughout a continuous cycle. I put a brad in the center of it so you rotate the top circle and the windows give you a peak into the water as it cycles through. Elle decided to add some color to it prior to me laminating it. I think we will use this one in a lapbook!

We also continued on with some fun arts and crafts! The letter of the week is C, the shape is circle and the animal is cow. Check out some of the fun activities we did!
 Cows made from toilet paper rolls. So fun talking about cows having 4 stomachs! And, even though we don't use or drink cow milk in our home, we talked about it and how mammals feed their babies milk given from God (just like Mommy is nursing Ce Ce;). We are also going to make our own butter tomorrow-so stay tuned for that fun project!!

These are the other books we are studying this week!
We did some "cloud" painting with "cotton" and "clothespins".
~really reinforced the Letter C teachings.
Every time we went for a walk outside or a drive in the minivan, we talked about the clouds. Observing their shapes and making note of the pictures we could see in the clouds.
 We got this idea from Shannon's Tot School. It is coffee filter spray art and was a lot of fun for both of our older girls!!!
First, they drew on the filters with washable markers.

 Then, they sprayed them with plain water and let the colors bleed and run a bit.

We are going to let them dry and use them for various flowers and crafts tomorrow!

 Next, C is for "corn!" We found this cute corn craft on the blogosphere somewhere, I just cannot remember where(the lack of sleep is making my brain a bit foggy;).
 Elle really enjoyed eating her real corn and making this decorative corn. 

Then, I found this AMAZING Science project book for only 30 cents at my local Thrift Store!!
Each letter of the alphabet has a corresponding science craft or activity! It is so cool;-) Do you see the 30 on the front cover?? Yup, really, only 30 cents!!

 "C is for Crystals" is our {Science Spotlight} for the week. Each unit in the book has a rhyming story and then a craft or activity 
to go with the letter.

The girls had a lot of fun making these shapes with the crystal water. We will let them dry and make necklaces out of them tomorrow! What a fun activity!!! 
I am going to use this book every week! Not bad for 30 cents!! LOL.

Lastly, Em has been having a great time sorting her fall colored "crystals" and gems!! 
Elle has also enjoyed using them while studying math. We use them for counting, visual learning and also subtraction. They are a lot of fun!

That's our week so far! Thank you all so much for reading! 
We always love to hear from you, so share some love and please leave a comment;-)


P.S. And for dinner, hubby grilled out some amazing "chicken" breasts! Here was my wonderfully delicious dinner sandwich! I made him some home made chicken linguine soup with veggies--it was also amazing!


  1. Love cows and clouds! :) We'll be definatelly doing clouds! :)

  2. We made butter last winter. The girls had so much fun doing it! :) Here's some pics of our butter making if you're interested. :)

  3. How cute!

    I'm your newest follower :D Stop by when you can!


  4. what a great week and the post before this one is some awesome thrift store finds!!! :)


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