
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Letter C is for....

This week, we are studying the letter Cc and having a lot of fun doing it!! Some of our main focus is learning about the Water Cycle and Clouds. We are eating a lot of fun foods that start with C-cantaloupe, clementines, cauliflower, chicken, carrots, 
cucumbers, circle-shaped sandwiches, and cheese!

We had a great playdate/homeschool day with some of our closest friends! The girls always love spending time with their "little brother" and I love the friendships we are all developing!

We chose to "create" some salt dough shapes with our friends. 
They had a lot of fun and made a fun mess, lol.

 Baby M thought the dough was VERY tasty;-)

Snack time!
It was a GORGEOUS fall day, so we had to take a walk and go to our neighborhood's creek. The kids love "collecting" leaves.
 "Compassion" is one of the godly Character Traits we are teaching our girls-along with caring--- I love how much they love each other!

Continuing in our Letter C lessons, we studied the Water Cycle and how clouds work.
Here are the books we are studying this week.

We went for another wonderful walk and looked for clouds in the sky. We had a fun time popping popcorn and looking out the window at the sky. We talked about the different shapes the popcorn made and looked for different shapes in the clouds. It was a pretty clear day, so not many clouds out like usual here.

Since we had the popcorn already, we included it into our "craft" for the day.

 Em also had lots of fun scooping out her "clouds".

Here are the girls studying our Letter C drawer from our Alphabet Box.  Some of the items in them are, chairs, card, crayon, cotton, caterpillar, cans, car, cow and more.

 It was so fun seeing Em say "Hey Diddle Diddle" with the wooden cow and have him jump over the moon chair-it was so cute! We are learning that nursery rhyme this week.

The girls also "created" bead bracelets!

Stay tuned for more Letter C activities and more on the Water Cycle.

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Again, we welcome your comments and THANK YOU for reading our blog!!

The Attached Mama's Alphabet Craft Collection


  1. Wow!! I LOVE this idea! You are so creative. I host a feature on my blog called the Ultimate Alphabet Craft Collection. I would love it if you could link up some of your alpahbet craft ideas. I think people would find them very inspirational.

    If you want to check it out, it is here:

    You fan and friend!! :)

  2. How fun! And how stinkin' cute your kids are! I wanna join your homeschool! LOL

  3. Wow! You've been busy! Love the C with the popcorn. My son is rather obsessed with popcorn right now! (They get obsessed over the strangest things sometimes :)
    Also, Love the Tomie DePaola Cloud book. Do you have his popcorn book?
    Also, thanks for stopping by my blog. Following back now!

  4. Thank you for finding me :)

    I see I'll spend some time looking at all the great ideas you have for playing and learning :)))
    So, I've subscribed and following you on FB! :)

    BRW, I host another blog for kids. We have each week different linky party. Last week was messy play, this week it's all about Thanksgiving and next week will be about favorite cartoon character. Stop by from time to time and link your posts if the theme matches! Link is:

  5. Just stopping by for a visit - lots of lovely activities here!

  6. Thank you so much for all of your kind comments! I appreciate each and every one;)

  7. What a fun and creative week of celebrating the letter C. Even though my kids are much older, we still use salt dough in projects! Last year, they made models of the human brain out of salt dough.



We really look forward to reading your comments, and appreciate you taking the time to share the love!