
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Our Peace Bell--Conflict Resolution

I am a firm believer in trying to keep our home a peaceful environment. This is something my husband and I have always believed is our mutual goal in our marriage and we want to instill this in our children. We do not believe it means not ever having conflict, but instead, requires the teaching of proper conflict resolution. One of the new methods we are implementing is the "Peace Bell." I originally read about this while researching the Montessori method of teaching. The concept is to allow the students/children to attempt to come up with their own solution to a conflict and simply be there to guide them in the process. After the children have resolved their conflict, they are to ring the peace bell as a celebratory sign that the conflict has been resolved in a happy manner. I cannot believe this, but I found the PERFECT peace bell for our homeschool {and home--I might even want to ring this one:-)}. Check it out!

Isn't it perfect?!

This week, we are studying doves and our action word of the week is Forgive, so we will get some chances to put this to good use I am sure! Stay tuned for more of our homeschool fun!

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