
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Our Learning Environments and Classroom

We truly use every square inch of our home for some part of homeschooling, so this is a compilation of a lot of different areas in our home. Lots and lots of learning takes place right at our kitchen table. We tend to do the messy things in the kitchen, the more structured lessons (like circle time, weather, day of the week, letter of the week etc) in our dedicated school room and the crafty things and reading in our play room. Enjoy taking a peek into our homeschool environments!

Our kitchen table.

Our dedicated classroom.

Elle's work drawers.

Em's Tot Trays

Our music area.

Our Reading Nook.

 The girls doing Music Class in our Family Room. To the left you can see our huge (blue) Blow up Bounce House we use for great indoor exercise.

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