
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Our Own Plumply, Dumply, Pumpkins!!

We did a craft based on the book "Plumply, Dumply Pumpkin" by Mary Serfozo. 

It is a very cute book about a boy trying to find the perfect pumpkin. We were inspired by this Mom who made these with her daughter.  

The girls had a really great time with this hands-on (and non-messy;) craft!! They loved stuffing the stockings!!

The girls did a nice job painting their pumpkins as well. Em got most of hers done and Elle's arms were tired from so much painting, lol. Plus, we ran out of paint-oops!  I still think they look great!

Thanks for reading-we appreciate each of you!!


  1. Hello. Dropping in to say hi. I am your newest follower via Friday Blog hop. Please visit and follow me @
    Adorable project. It looks like they really enjoyed the project!
    I write a childrens craft column on check out the link on the right side of my blog!


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