
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Introducing: {High-Touch Tuesday}!

Our family is already one that I would consider a "high-touch" family. We always love to give hugs and kisses and feel it is an  important aspect of our Attachment Parenting Style of living, But, the more I have been praying about our homeschool journey and how I manage our home, in general, the Lord has put it on my heart to be more "intentional" with our expressions of love.  A lot of times, I will have our days so SCHEDULED that we forget to just have FUN or to just let the girls' imaginations soar!

So, I am introducing (to the blogosphere) our new ritual of {High-Touch Tuesday}. This is when we are intentionally going to plan and implement activities that require us to be close. To touch hands, give hugs, high-fives and stomach tickles. I am going to intentionally spend even MORE time on the floor with our children and cut back on the workbook-type school work and do more hands-on learning activities on Tuesdays. So, while the breakfast dishes may not get washed right away (if my wonderful hubby didn't get to do them before he leaves for work--he usually does;) or even the lunch dishes, I will not stress about it. I will get on the floor and PLAY with my children instead!! I will also continue to have "Taco Tuesday" which we have done for a long time now. This will allow me less time in the kitchen making an elaborate dinner and more time to be close to our children!

We hardly EVER turn on our television (maybe one hour every 2 WEEKS or so now), but I will be sure to not turn it on if it is Tuesday. I will also make it a low-technology day. Only checking email/FB when necessary and only blogging during naps or nighttime (which I normally do).

I hope this will inspire you to look at your schedule (whether you homeschool or not) and see if you can squeeze in some extra time for more hugs and cuddles with the ones that you love!! Or, just turn off the tv and go for a walk outside. Drive in your car without the radio/cd on. Reach out to a loved one and say "I love you".  Call a friend you haven't talk to in a long time.  Just make one intentional gesture of love today--do it now! You will be glad you did;-)

~~~As always, I WELCOME your comments!!~~~

*I will add photos later*

OK, here are some of the photos! I didn't get a lot of photos of us playing on the floor, but we studied the letter F and had lots of fun!! We even ate some fish!!

I also linked up to "The Little Things Thursday." here

 Looking at the Letter F drawer items (fence, foot, french fry, four, fruit and frigde).

 So proud of Em writing M's!!


  1. LOVE IT!!! Would it be okay to blog about our High-Touch days? I think a good day to do that would be on a day we don't go to preschool, like Wednesdays.

    Thank you so much for all you do!

  2. Absolutely!! Could you please just put a link back to this post? I would appreciate it;)

  3. Aria, thanks for linking up to my "Little Things Thursday". I love the "High Touch Tuesday" idea. We do a similar thing on Sunday evenings where we do dinner in the family room, a board game of some kind, and then a snuggle on the couch for movie night. My oldest, Chloe, love watching an old 1940s black and white film recently.

  4. I love it, we also do taco Tuesdays lol. You are so inspiring at the same time I envy how wonderful you are I can only dream of being as good of a mother/woman as you.

  5. I love this idea! My daughter is only 15months so I'm pretty much always touching her, but it's a great thing to remember as she gets older and finds more independence. I found you through the Friday Blog Hop!


We really look forward to reading your comments, and appreciate you taking the time to share the love!