
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Science Center Visit

We have  a membership to our local Science Museum and LOVE going there!!

I am realizing that it is {finally} getting much easier to venture out with all 3 girls on fun adventures. I can pack a healthy lunch (and not have to worry about nursing a baby/toddler). It is actually becoming enjoyable for me, too LOL.

Can any other Moms relate to this?

Anyway, I digress....

Of course, Elle wanted to watch surgical procedures and child birth videos. 

I had to post this picture separately. I cracked up at Ce Ce telling us what was happening in the video. 
Elle was watching a c-section procedure and Ce Ce, very smartly, showed the baby being taken out of the Mom's belly:)

Silly girl---She cracks me up!!!

Ce Ce's favorite activity was the water table area! She never wants to leave there. I finally started packing a change of clothes for her because she gets totally soaked---and loves it! I guess she is like her Daddy with loving water!
Em always loves anything animal-related and loves playing in the kitchen area.

This visit was very bittersweet for me, though.

Elle is getting too big to play in the kids' play area.
She had to sit on her knees to play in the kitchen--sniff, sniff....
 Fortunately, she still loves playing Doctor with the baby dolls!
 You see, we have had a membership to the Science Museum since Elle was 1 or 2 years old!
This is Elle at age 2. I was pregnant with Em.
This makes me CRY!
Elle has always LOVED playing Doctor.
Maybe she will actually become a Doctor some day.
Maybe not.
No matter what...she will always be my BABY!!


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