
Monday, September 10, 2012

My SIMPLE Weekly Menu Planning {Sneak Peek}

It's no secret~~~~I LOVE to eat :D!
I also love to cook, so it usually works out pretty well!

With marriage, homeschooling, parenting, working from home and all the other life tasks that overwhelm our schedules, I needed a SIMPLE Menu Planning Process that works for me. I usually plan to have "Taco Tuesday", along with 2 chicken meals and a fish meal each week. We sometimes throw in "Brinner" {breakfast for dinner} if the week is extra hectic.

I love to browse Pinterest for new food ideas!!!! {Hop on over and follow me there!} I also love to look for ideas in cookbooks I check out from the library.
I usually try to put a new recipe or 2 into our rotation as our schedule allows. 
I can usually pretty much plan to cook 5-6 nights per week and do a
 double-batch cooking session on Sunday.

This makes eating healthy foods easy and we also eat the leftovers for lunch during the homeschool week, which simplifies things there as well. is my "Ever So Elaborate" {not} Menu Planning Process.
~~~~{insert drum roll here}~~~~
 Yes, that is IT!!! A simple notepad from the Dollar Store!!
See.... told you it was SIMPLE :-D. 
So, this is what I do every Sunday-usually while the kids nap. I make a nice cup of tea, gather my cookbooks, pull up my Pinterest food ideas and write out what I want to make each day and make a grocery list for the week.
It really is that SIMPLE!!

What are your menu planning tips?
Please do share them with us!
Be a blessing,

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