
Thursday, May 24, 2012

"For the Birds!"~~{H.E.E.T TOUR}

We our slowly wrapping up our official school year and had our final H.E.E.T field trip. 
This time, we visited the local Audubon Center where we learned all about birds.
It was so much fun and the largest group of homeschoolers we have had attend a tour yet!

I am so humbled by the increase God is showing and the favor He is shining upon us!!!
Take a look at our field trip. We will definitely be returning for another visit!

 Our homeschool students were separated into 2 age groups. 
The first classroom was really NEAT and the educator was awesome!
 Here is the 2nd classroom with the older students.
 The students learned about birds, animal habitats, eating patterns, nesting, migration,
 and conservation etc.
 The Center provided binoculars for the students to go on a nature hike/bird finding mission.

 The Audubon Center's architectural design is amazing!
 Em really liked this bird statue, but the hot mid-day sun made it
really, really hot!

 Ce Ce checking out some info in the reading room.
 It was Ce Ce's 2nd birthday {where DID the time go?}, so my husband took the day off of work to spend the day with us. It was WONDERFUL!!

We had an amazing time and have been having fun checking out the birds in our neighborhood as well!
 Here are some of our library books about Birds!
Be a Blessing,

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