
Monday, April 30, 2012

Science Center Fun!!

Due to the high amount of Cookie Sales Elle's Girl Scout Troop had, they earned a trip to the local Science Center!

Not all of the girls could make it-this is only a portion of her{huge}troop.

We are so proud of the girls and all of their hard work.
They have several outings planned from the money they earned selling cookies.
There is a whole exhibit on race--it was amazing!
Going down into a submarine--it had real water and everything!

Elle loves looking at all of the x-rays!
She loved to pretend to be a Doctor and assess the medical issue shown.
We decided to take the sisters as well-they never want to miss out on a trip to the Science Center!
The little sisters spent their time in the Kids' Area.
Their favorite activity is the water table.
They had so much fun and ended up soaking wet!
Good thing I brought a change of clothes.
Be a Blessing,

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