
Monday, March 5, 2012

Ce Ce's Tot School {21 months}

Ce Ce is really enjoying her Tot School Activities. She has really blossomed recently. She is wearing her "big girl panties" during the day and has even started staying dry all night. She will still have occasional accidents, and we require her to wear a diaper under her panties when we got out (just in case:), but otherwise, she is really getting the hang of using the potty!

Her language skills and letter recognition is also really taking off! She can recognize many letters of the alphabet and loves to point to letters and tell me what they are!

Here are some of her recent lessons---enjoy!!

 She absolutely loves our color blocks!
 Working on letter recognition.
 We spent a week in the big girls' homeschool studying animals. Ce Ce loves animals and has really enjoyed working on our various animal puzzles.
 Ce Ce loves the Farm Animals puzzle and can make all of the animal sounds!

 "Reading" a book and pointing out all of the 
animals that she recognizes.

 Working with Mommy on our animal flashcards. 
THIS is where homeschooling begins---right in Mommy's lap!
 Having fun showing Elle all of the animals she knows.

 More animal work.

 Working with our closures basket.
 Reading a mini-book on dogs that Em made.

 D is for dog worksheet.
 Playing a fishing game.

 Stacking rings.

Tearing paper. It is very good for building hand strength needed
for early writing skills.
 She loves when big sister reads to her while she is on the potty:)

 Matching game of Dog pictures.

 Ce Ce is now to the age where she goes to the cabinet and gets her own school work out now. 
It is the cutest thing.
Sorting bears.

 Transferring beans.

Messy fun!!

Thanks for following along. We always enjoy you taking the time out to enjoy our homeschool journey. 
For those with kind comments on their hearts, please feel free to share them as well. 
We love our readers!


  1. Wow! so much going on and looks like so much fun being had!

  2. Thank you so much for your kind comment, Pip! We are having a good time and looking forward to Spring!


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