
Thursday, October 6, 2011

FUN HS Field Trip!! {Little Pizza Makers}

Our Homeschool group went on a wonderful field trip to a local Pizza Parlor! The kids got to see the business from front to back and even make their own pizzas:) The owner was nice enough to let us all in before the restaurant opened to the public, give us a personal tour and answer all of our questions. The girls had so, so much fun and they always love hanging with their homeschool friends!!!

This is learning at its best!!

The pizza maker showing the students how to make a pizza.
Elle doing an excellent job protecting her little sister from the hot oven:)
Some of the kids checked out the walk-in freezer. Our girls did not want to go in there, ha, ha!
Listening to the presentation on how they make their dough from scratch.
The girls' favorite part---making their pizzas!!
Em was so proud of her work!
Yummy-----eating it up!
Fun time with friends!

And....if you want to read our favorite book about Pizza, check out "Pete's a Pizza" by William Steig!!

It is a really cute story!!

It was a wonderful field trip!!! The girls got to do some real "hands-on" learning and have a lot of fun!! Just another reason to LOVE homeschooling!!


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