
Sunday, October 23, 2011

{From My Kitchen} Easy Kale Chips!!

I know, I know----you are thinking, "what in the WORLD are Kale Chips?" I was thinking the same thing! Ha, ha! Just stick with me......I won't steer you wrong!

I am always searching for more healthful options for our family. Especially when it comes to snacking or packing lunches for our homeschool adventures. I have to be honest, I usually don't do the grocery shopping. My husband is an expert grocery shopper!! I can always trust him with the list and he brings home just what we need (and nothing else, which saves us a lot of money, too:)! 

But, I do LOVE grocery shopping!! So, whenever I can run into Trader Joe's, I jump at the chance!
I came across a bag of Kale and remembered reading recipes for kale chips and decided it was time to give it a try!

3 simple things-some salt, kale and olive oil. That's it. I like simple:)
 Wash and thoroughly dry the kale. Break the leaves into pieces and remove any of the large stem pieces.
 Pour it into a bowl and drizzle with a very small amount of extra virgin olive oil and sprinkle a LITTLE salt on it. Em sprinkled just a bit too much on ours. I also read where you can put soy sauce on it instead of salt and that was good as well!!
Spread the prepared kale out onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
 Bake on 350 for 8-10 minutes and it will darken and shrivel up a bit.
 It has a crispy texture similar to potato chips!
A wonderful and healthy snack option for your family!
 All of the girls loved them! Do you see how fast the bowl went? I had to make a second batch! LOL.
Here's where Elle and Em were claiming the last of the kale chips. Need I say more? They were a huge success and something we will make regularly! 


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