
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

{Homeschool Highlights} 1

Instead of doing a Weekly Wrap-up of our homeschool adventures, I have decided to peridically post some highlights of some of the things we are working on. I am trying to streamline a bit and cut down on my obligations as to avoid burning out really quickly!

Our recent Bible Memory Verse.
I recently blogged about our newest kitchen adventure--our awesome Snack Tray! The girls are really loving this, maybe a bit too much:) They eat so much food!

The girls have also started attending an organized gym class. It is PERFECT because both of the older girls can participate!!! This really makes Em happy!! She loves the gym class and is really blossoming in there:).

Elle continues to really love math and reading! She loves working in her workbooks:).

 Here, Elle was working on some patterns and designed some of her own on her white board.
Working on Phonics.
Doing some Language Arts work.
Elle loves using little flashcards to construct sentences!

Baby CeCe loves to come along and try to take Elle's cards just as fast as she can put them on the table. Elle is comforting a crying Ce Ce, and explaining to her why she could not take her school work. Awwwww, this just melts my heart and makes me LOVE homeschooling even more!!!

The big girls set up a store to work on money lessons. Here Em is showcasing her little wallet with all of her money. Elle decided to use her debit card so she didn't have to figure out the change, lol.
Em still LOVES working with Alphabet Letter Box I made!
Here she is working on some pre-writing worksheets.
 Decorating their Letters!

We need to figure out how to hang them up still.
The girls LOVE using the Alphabet Cards to do some exercising--especially when it is raining outside!
Em is so silly:)
Collecting leaves for fall crafts and math lessons.
Sorting their leaves.
 Em, making her fall wreath of leaves she collected.
Elle, working on her fall wreath.
They turned out so pretty:)
 Doing some leaf rubbings.
 A little science fun---baking soda and vinegar experiment.

Working on more leaf rubbings--even Ce Ce enjoyed this one:)

 We have been studying Australia. Elle made a diorama of the Great Barrier Reef.

 The girls always enjoy going to the Children's Science Center!

 And, of course, Elle just HAD to watch some surgeries:)

 We also took a trip to the local Art Museum. The girls had so much fun!

 The look on Ce Ce's face is priceless:) Em is building silly animals.
Em, 3 years old.
 Elle, 5 years old.

Thank you for sharing our adventures with us. We certainly hope you are enjoying the ride:)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Never Too Old to Learn!

So, just recently, I became interested in learning more about canning and preserving foods. I found out my Great-Grandmother used to garden and preserve her homegrown foods for her family, but along the line, the tradition was not handed down to me. I definitely want to learn more so that I can teach our children how to preserve foods (and, hopefully learn how to garden some day:).

Thanks to Facebook, I found out a friend of mine (who grows an amazing garden, homeschools her 3 daughters and is also an Attachment Parenting Practicer) was attending a Garden Club meeting focusing on canning. She invited me to go~it was perfect timing (God's timing:)!

We had such an amazing time at the Garden Club meeting! I was able to meet some really exceptional people, learn a lot about canning (it's a lot more time-consuming than I thought:), and eat some really delicious foods!
Learning to make "chow chow."

 Making mixed berry jelly--it is so, so good! I can't wait to make some fresh buttermilk biscuits to put this one---if it lasts long enough:)

So, even Mommy go to class and learns about new things. Our motto is, "you are never too old to learn!"
