
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Nurse/Doctor Lessons-Part 1 {Weekly Wrap-Up}

Our girls love everything related to medicine and being little doctors! Elle, our 5 year old, is totally engrossed in learning about the human body and how it works. Em, our 2 year old, really LOVES animals and expresses a strong interest in becoming a veterinarian so that she can help all of the animals. We won't be surprised if either or both of them enter the medical field at some point. For now, Elle says she wants to be a Mom, a Doctor and a singer---in that order, LOL:)

This week, we are learning about medicine, anatomy, and having a lot of fun doing it!

Of course, our most important lesson is our Bible Memory Verse for the week. 
I took the girls on a field trip to our local children's science center. We had a wonderful time, as always, but this time, we spent an extended amount of time in the Human Body exhibit areas.
 Elle happily explained the various gestational models to the girls. She was actually in the room when both of her sisters were born, so she is an expert, lol:)
 Checking out the models of child delivery.
 Looking at the x-rays. This was Em's favorite spot! She loved guessing which animals the x-rays were from!
Our future Vet, Dr. Em:)


 This is where Elle spent most of her time. The Science Center has 12 different videos you can watch of different medical procedures ranging from child birth via c-section, to a dental implant procedure. Elle was totally fascinated with these videos!! It was not anything she had ever seen before, but because she is so interested in learning about the body, she was totally enthralled and never wanted to leave! I couldn't believe it, lol. The videos were pretty gruesome at times, but it did not bother her one bit! 

Well......ever since seeing those videos, Elle has wanted to watch Youtube videos of medical procedures. Honestly, it scares me a bit. The kid is only 5. But, I figure if it is not causing her to retch at the sight or have nightmares, it is good exposure----right?! LOL. 
Here she is, crying, because the rest of the surgery wasn't shown on the video. She wanted to see the sutures and how it all ended. *sigh* Poor girl.

 Here is Elle telling me about the open-heart surgery she is watching. She is really excited because the heart is beating while it is being operated on, so she is feeling her heart beat and showing me. I love talking about this stuff as well. I was pre-med for 3 years in college, but changed my major. I sometimes wonder what if...

 Playing in the Eye Doctor section.

 Dr. Elle fixing up the baby's injuries, lol.

 Em LOVED the color paddles. I think she will be getting some for her birthday soon:)
 That little boy was just too cute:) He kept coming up to Ce Ce and checking her heart beat!

Here are some of our books we are enjoying. We got another load from the library, but I haven't photographed them yet. {We are on summer "break", ha, ha}.
Dr. Elle checking out patient Em;)
This picture made me cry. They just grow up way too fast...
Ce Ce loves to "draw" already!
Elle is working on her doctor/nurse lapbook. This is a book I printed off of Homeschool share.
Elle working on a connect-the-dots of a human body.

I then wrote out some of the body parts for her and she correctly matched them to the picture and wrote out all of the words!

Em learning about bones with our toy skeleton. I am not sure this little guy will have all of his parts by the time this unit is finished:)
Dr. Em working on her doggie. She says he needs surgery, so she is cutting him open, lol. And, every important Veterinarian must have their keys attached to their collar. They teach this at every top Vet School, I am  sure:-).
Em loves working on our wooden anatomy puzzle. It has 5 layers that illustrate the various body systems. Our girls have affectionately named her "Kaelyn" lol. She can be found here.

Elle, continuing to work on her reading comprehension and handwriting.
We are trying various methods to get her to write more often. This is a book she picked out at the Dollar Store and she is enjoying learning about Ariel. She has never seen her before...

Em enjoys learning about the letter M (her letter).  She correctly identified every M on the page and practiced writing M's.
This is a fun file folder game I put together a while back. Em loves matching up the foam letters to the folder. It helps her match the upper and lower case letters.

This is a cute way for Em to have fun counting and working on her math skills.
I put these sheets I printed out inside of a plastic page protector and have her move her animal onto the correct answer to each math problem. She LOVES this game and is really good at counting!
Em has REALLY improved in her drawing skills! Her people now actually have limbs that are discernible as well as eyes and smiles!
Em working on her pre-writing skills using a Doctor Preschool Pack I printed off from Homeschool Creations.

Well, we have covered a lot of amazing lessons so far and are looking forward to more fun next week!
We hope you will join us and tell us what you have been up to!


  1. This post is so far my favorite. I love that museum, I am going to see if we have one like that around here. My kids love watching home birth videos, I watch them, I hope to one day be a midwife, I did not even think my kids would want to watch something that looks kinda scary and painful but they love them and always want to watch them :-)


We really look forward to reading your comments, and appreciate you taking the time to share the love!