
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

FREE and/or Frugal Fun with Learning!!

We have been having a really busy time with learning lately! The past few weeks have just flown by! I wanted to update the blog on what we have been doing as of late. We are year-round homeschoolers, so took a bit of a break from the formal learning coursework to spend a few days with Daddy. We celebrated our 6th Wedding Anniversary and also Mother's Day. It was wonderful!!

All of these ideas were either FREE or very inexpensive to do/make. Enjoy!!

Morning Exercise/Warm-Up Class
We all love to exercise and keep healthy. The benefits are so wonderful, but the weather here has been raining cats and dogs, so we decided to check out some new music cd's from our local library that focus on Movement for Toddlers and Preschoolers. 

Some of our favorites are:
~anything of the cd's by Jim Gill 
~Toddlers on Parade
~Preschool Aerobic Fun

The girls have so much fun listening to the cd's and following the movements!
This is how we start our morning after our worship music and prayers. The girls are usually doing this while I cook their breakfast.

Fun and FREE!

Our City Skyline

For this, all I did was use some blue painter's tape and use it to make outlines of buildings on the wall. Em had a GREAT time building different shapes and sizes of buildings and structures!! It was an amazing hit! {We already had the building blocks, but this put a whole new spin on them}.

FREE Sesame Street Learning Kit
PNC Bank is now offering this FREE learning kit. We haven't had a chance to view the DVD, but it is Sesame Street, so I would guess it would be pretty suitable for our girls. We just haven't turned on the tv in a month, so maybe the next time we do, we will pop this in!
But, we have had a chance to work through some of the Spanish vocabulary cards and other inserts. The girls are having a good time with it and it was FREE!

Here is were you can get one!

Fancy Toes
Our girls love to get their little toe nails painted. We always use a really faint color or just clear polish and now that it is "sandals season", we made sure to get those toes looking good:)

As always, tons of books to be read while the nails dry, lol. And, we also incorporated many entrepreneurial elements and match skills as we play "nail shop." Good thing our prices are LOW! LOL.

Quiche AKA "Egg Pie"
We also love to try new recipes. And, if it is healthier and pretty reasonably priced, it is a winner in our book! We tried this LOVELY quiche recipe 
 and just had to share it with you!

We tweaked the recipe a bit to suit our tastes. We used ground turkey, sauteed onions, mushrooms and spinach! It was so GOOD!!!!
Feeding the Birds

We simply used some twine/yarn we had hanging around and laced it with some organic O's type cereal that was in the kitchen already=instant, easy and CHEAP bird feeders:) 
They were gone in no time....

Hope you are enjoying your spring and had a fabulous Mother's Day!
Here is our family at brunch on Mother's Day!

1 comment:

  1. LOve the exercise ideas. My boys always have a lot of energy in the morning. Sometimes we go for early walks but it's been rainy here as well.


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