
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Better Late than Never----joining the Ultimate Blog Party 2011!!

Since I am on an internet diet for the Lenten Season, I just came across the link up to the Ultimate Blog Party hosted by 5MinutesforMom and decided to join the party! 
Better late than never, right?

Well, if this is your first time here-WELCOME!!!!!!!! I LOVE meeting new people and making new friends:-) I am a married mom of 3 girls(5 yrs, 2.5 yrs and 10 months old) and 3 rescued doggies. We are homeschooling our girls and my blog is usually about that (along with other Christian/gentle parenting topics).  While on Lent, I am not doing my typical weekly wrap-up of our homeschooling, so please, pull up a chair and stay awhile. Poke around the blog for a bit and leave a note so I can check out your blog as well! Thanks so much for stopping by!



  1. Just sayin hi coming from the blog party, and that's great that you homeschool your kids .

  2. Found you on the UBP and so glad I did! I admire you for giving up the internet for's probably the one thing that occupies my mind and time more than it should. You have a beautiful family!

  3. Hi! I'm stopping by from the UBP - I'm #73 (Being Made New - on the Christian list. Very nice to get to know a bit about you - like you, I homeschool and have girls! - and I'd be honored if you would make it to my place this week. :^)

  4. Stopping by from UPB11. Great to meet you! There are so many fun blogs to visit!

    If you have time, I hope you’ll stop by:

    You can enter to win a $25 Gift cert to my eBay store to spruce up your spring/summer wardrobe (details on post) as well as other fun prizes!

  5. Hi! What a wonderful blog! I plan on homeschooling our son, so I will definitely be following your blog. Thank you for creating this blog. This is exactly what I need.
    Have a blessed week!

  6. Just wanted to say "HI!" I found you through the blog party & have really enjoyed reading a little about your life! What sweet girls you have. I love how you are pointing your readers back to God.

  7. Lovely to meet you through UBP. This is my first year and I am enjoying finding so many great blogs, like yours.


    Gg - Notes on the Journey

  8. Howdy!

    Absolutely..."better late than never" right?!? :0)

    I am so happy to have found your blog. I am stopping in from the Ultimate Blog Party and this is my very first year participating and this is SO VERY exciting!! LOL

    Anyhow...please stop by my blogs and follow whenever you get the opportunity:

    So Stylilized is where I am currently offering FREE Custom Blog Designs at

    And...Jessica Lil Corner is where I am blogging about family and life at

    I welcome your visit at either or both of my blogs and hope to have you stop by and follow really soon!!

    Have a very blessed day!! :0)


We really look forward to reading your comments, and appreciate you taking the time to share the love!