
Monday, March 14, 2011

FREE Easter Lapbook Download! {and some of my faves}

Well, we are still enjoying our special Lent Mini-Break from weekly blogging updates! I have also chosen to take a break from Facebook-and has that been eye-opening for me!  Since my screen time is now more limited, we are achieving a bit more balance. We are having so much fun-taking walks when the spring weather finally shows, playing games, reading TONS of books and making cake pops! Have you all seen these yet? Our almost 5 year old (Mommy shedding tears here:') requested them for her birthday, so we made a couple of batches to see how it works first. They are YUMMY!

I also wanted to share a few of my favorite links I have discovered lately~~~ENJOY!!
Please let me know if you were blessed by any of them;)

Here is a GREAT lapbook download for all of us with Pre-school aged kiddos celebrating Easter!

This was JUST what I needed to confirm my need to "unplug" and just "BE" with my husband and kids (instead of trying to capture every moment and make it "perfect". I sure am enjoying making memories instead of making blog posts, lol:)

Some of the BEST writing on parenting I have EVER READ!

This is something I am going to have to re-visit often and meditate on. I have to constantly remember that I am the Weather.

These are some of my recent faves. I hope you all will enjoy them!

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