
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Weekly Wrap-Up {Letter Ee is for...}

Whew...................we had such a busy week this week!! I don't think we have had so many outside commitments and activities in one week in a long, long time. I may have to re-think my calendar next time:) One of my themes for 2011 is to achieve some balance, but this week was NOT good for that, ha, ha! BUT, we had a blast--really, lots and lots of learning and FUN!! Won't you come along and check out what we did?
We are glad you are here;)

 In preparation for Valentine's Day, this is one of the Bible Verses we used this weeks. Found it on Totally Tots. We also memorized, "Encourage one another. One another daily." 
Hebrews 13:3b.
Here is our learning chart for the week. Letter E, elephant, diamond, and character trait=BRAVE! We focused on the story of David and Goliath and how David was not afraid because he trusted God and knew God was with him! We also encouraged the girls to try NEW things this week--even if they were a bit afraid at the beginning. If you keep reading, you will see-we had a lot of fun doing new things!

 Here are our books for the week. We had a nice combination and Elle is continuing to learn about telling time on a non-digital clock.
 E is for "Eye Spy Jars". We played a great little game called "Eye Spy" where I filled these jars with colored rice and other fun things. Some items I chose were magnetic, some were not.

The girls really enjoyed these jars--who knew something so easy
and inexpensive could be so fun?!!!

 This Weeks' Science Spotlight was on Eggs. We learned how to spot the difference between hard boiled eggs and raw eggs by spinning them.

 E is for Elephant and Elephants love peanuts, so Em is tweezing and tonging 
some peanut erasers into a mold. So cute!

Elephant stamps on our E worksheets along with our 2nd memory verse for this week.
Elle working on her handwriting skills.
Em practicing her handwriting-gotta love Elmo:)

E is for Elmo.
E is for Elephant!

Here, Elle is counting peanuts by 2's.
More letter E words.
Elle constructing her Letter E Words Book! That girl LOVES making books:)
I would not be surprised at all if she an author some day.
 E is for English!!
Elle working with magnet words to form sentences. She is doing such a great job with Language Arts!

Em is matching up Valentine's erasers here.

 We got lots of exercise this week!
The girls had a lot of fun using our exercise ABC cards!!
 J was Jump over a pillow!
Look at Elle FLY!
 Having fun playing Elefun with Daddy:)

 At our Homeschool Gym Class.

 We signed the girls up for Bowling School through our Parks and Recreation Department--it was so much fun!!

 The girls really enjoyed the Pizza party, lol.

 We attended a local Homeschoolers' Science Fair and Exhibit. We really had a nice time fellowshipping with other Homeschoolers and learning about their Science Projects!
 Here, the girls are making silly putty.
 The Fair worker was AMAZED at how advanced Em is for just 2 yrs old! Em sat right down and started coloring, writing letters, spelling her name etc. All on her own accord!
 Here the girls are at the Homeschool Valentine Party---it was so much fun!
Our friends did an AMAZING job putting it all together!
Elle did such a great job meticulously addressing each.and.every (29) Valentine and especially wanted to hand-deliver each one to her friends:-) It was so sweet!

 Here is a group photo of the homeschoolers at the Valentine Party!

Here are some of the heart-healthy foods we have been eating this week.

Elle working on some heart patterns with conversation heart candies. Isn't she adorable in her heart shirt she picked out. Most days, she dresses herself and is quite the fashionista in picking out just the right ensemble:)
 Elle practicing making heart shapes.

 Elle with a heart worksheet to count by 5's. After counting by 2's, she quickly
figured out it was "easier" to just arrange all of her cards first and simply place them on the mat----smart girl, ha, ha:)

 We went to Lowe's and took part in the Build and Grow Clinic. It is FREE for kids and families. You should check it out if you have one near you!
{Yes, Mom is multi-tasking, nursing the baby and hammering with my big girl}.
 The girls did a great job making heart-shaped music boxes!

Elle getting some screen time at the library.
 Em getting some screen time at the library.
Em and Ce Ce laying out the alphabet mats.
Well, that has been our week!

It certainly was a full one, luckily, we are going on a "virtual vacation" with the letter V next week:) Stay tuned for more updates and please take a moment to leave a comment. We love hearing from you all!!

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