
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Stay-Cation 2011!

Have you ever felt the need to just STOP and take a break? 
That is how I was feeling for sure! We are in the middle of a cold and icy winter and we really want to get away to some sun and fun, but since we I could not even imagine traveling with three little ones under 5 (oh, the strollers, car seats AND luggage, not to mention the kids:), right now, we decided to have a "stay-cation." We did a lot of fun activities throughout the week and because my mind and spirit were quiet, I was able to hear from the Lord in a very clear and direct way! 

I have been feeling extra tired lately. Beyond exhausted! With the baby waking between 7-10 times per night and loving her new 4am wake up time (for the day), I really needed some time to recharge and rejuvenate the good old spirit!!  I realize I probably won't be able to get any quality sleep any time soon{we are still nursing and co-sleeping with Ce Ce}, but I can try to control what I CAN change and that is my attitude{even when I have a banging headache/raging migraine} and my calendar and agenda for homeschool.

So, I felt prompted by the Lord to clear our plates, say "no" to our previous commitments and focus on tying heart-strings with our kiddos.  I recommend ALL homeschooling Moms and Dads take some time to re-evaluate what you are doing and how you are doing it and pray for God's guidance!! That is of utmost importance when you want to stay on the correct path. I was overloading myself and our children and needed a nice re-direction onto the Lord's path.

Here is what our stay-cation looked like--we had so much fun!!! I let the girls pick the fun activities they wanted to do and just offered some beach-themed games and learning activities each day. We even were blessed with some sunny and warmer days so  my husband cooked out on the grill (turkey burgers and turkey hot dogs and grilled tilapia!) We also read a ton of beach-related books, but I neglected to take a photo of the books--I was on vacation:)

Ce Ce, 9 months old.

 The big girls really enjoyed playing badminton with a balloon!
Chilling out on their beach towels.
 Em sorting seashells. It was a lot of fun pulling out a lot of the leftover wedding reception decorations we still have.

I LOVE Elle's lady she made--with nice breasts for nursing her baby, too:)!

 Yummy grilled tilapia with artichokes and lemon:)
Baby Ce Ce LOVES the grilled fish!

 Elle really enjoyed mixing colors and learning about the color wheel.

 The little finger paints are magical--they are no messy at all and only work on the special crayola paper that came with them. We heart them:)!!

 One of the sweetest moments I captured this week. Em reading to Ce Ce:'-)
 Elle practicing nurturing her baby. We are BIG fans of babywearing!
 Elle pulled out her computer and really had fun mastering the spelling games.

 Em had a blast spooning glass stars (sea glass) into palm tree shaped ice cube trays.
 Elle taught Em how to listen for the ocean in a sea shell.

 Our beautiful centerpiece the girls designed. 
It makes me want to head to the beach right NOW:)!!

 Play dough fun!
 Em was so creative-she made these rock into a sail boat by adding tiny paper umbrellas!

 We made our own all natural-no sugar added popsicles using organic apple juice and water. Easy peezy and the girls LOVED them:)
 We had so much fun decorating our dining room in a beach-theme!
The girls loved eating in there all week:)
We certainly enjoyed our stay-cation!
We hope you enjoyed reading along with us!

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We really look forward to reading your comments, and appreciate you taking the time to share the love!