
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Our Kwanzaa Celebration!!

 Hey, there;-) It's been a while! I have been enjoying taking a break from blogging. It is a blessing to be able to capture and chronicle our homeschool journey, but it is also very necessary for us to spend some quality time making memories and enjoying life instead of working all of the time, lol:) So, I am glad to be back and enjoying the New Year full of opportunities for growth, change and learning!

First, we wrapped up our Family's Kwanzaa Celebration. It is a really fun, NON-Religious celebration that focuses on qualities such as unity, self-determination, faith, creativity and responsibility. It was the first year we thought the girls were old enough to enjoy the festival and we had a nice time introducing the celebration to them!

 Em went "shopping" for the foods to set our Kwanzaa table.

 Our Kinara---we will likely get real candles in the future:)

Here is a nice little video clip from Sesame Street about Kwanzaa.

We really had a nice time celebrating Kwanzaa this year and hope to expand next year with a large group gathering for the Karamu Feast!! 
(any excuse to eat great food with great friends, huh?)

Thank you so much for following us!! 
We also enjoy hearing from you:)

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