
Thursday, January 20, 2011

DIY--Fruit and Veggie Wash!!

Anyone who knows me knows I am always looking for ways to be even more frugal and also more natural.  Since we eat such a large amount of fruits and vegetables, we are constantly buying that bottle of fruit and vegetable wash to spray on our foods and rinse prior to eating them. I don't know about you (maybe I am a bit paranoid overly cautious), but I still wash everything, even if it is organic. You just never know whose hands and germs have been touching your food!

Anyway, I was almost out of the veggie wash and tried to come up with a way to make my own. I found this great blog post with an super simple recipe! I had all of the ingredients on hand and decided to try it right away! It works great, is super inexpensive and is all natural!! You can't beat that:)

I even recycled our old ($5!!) veggie wash bottle:)

Let me know if you you try it and how you like it!!

What You Will Need:
1 Tablespoon of real lemon juice (I use a real lemon and squeeze it)
2 Tablespoons White Vinegar
1 Cup of Water
Spray Bottle
{I tripled the recipe to fill my bottle}


  1. Thanks for the recipe, my hub and I have been talking about this.

  2. Thanks so much for sharing this! I am the same way! Wash wash wash! Kerri


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