
Monday, December 13, 2010

{Weekly Wrap Up!} Letter Bb is for..

Here is our weekly wrap up. I have to apologize in advance for it being a little less descriptive. I am limited on time since I was away for my Great-Aunt's funeral over the weekend.

Our learning chart:
I still cannot believe it is December--and almost CHRISTmas!!
 Our memory verse.

A lot of our lessons for the week were food related.

 We had a lot of fun in the kitchen this week!

Homemade Butternut Squash Soup!

 Super dee-lish Brown Bread!

 We studied the moon and our shape of the week was crescent.

Our Letter B drawer contents (brush, barrett, bathtub, boy, bear, birdhouse,
battery, button, bat, book, etc)

 We studied the moon this week. Here are some of our printables.
Sponge painting using various moon-like shapes.

 This is an adorable book about friends who hypothesize 
about what the moon is made of and at the end, bake moon cookies with
Grandma. Her recipe is included in the book, so we made some, too:)
 Looking for the moon with Daddy each night. It was so fun
tracking the moon as it changed shape and discussing the 
different phases of the moon.

The "moon" sugar cookies turned out great!

{Science Spotlight} featured "B is for Bubble."

We made our own bubble solution and had
so much fun blowing bubbles;)

 Counting Bears.
 Elle sorting beads and buttons.

 B is for "besties" lol.
 B is for Boat.

 Elle learning to Braid.

 B is for Blizzard apparently, lol.
And, finally. Elle(4.5 yrs) has been working at a kindy
math level or above and just completed this 1st grade
math worksheet all alone!!
She had to fill in the numbers from 1-100!
We are just so proud of our girls!!

Thank you so much for reading and following us!!


  1. Now I know how to get Marlene's braiding string so I don't have to hold it all the time, she has been braiding for about the last 2 months. But I always need to hold it, your idea is going to work Fabulaus.

    Blizzard, that looks COLD and yacky.

  2. That is great Mrs. Mar! I am so glad you got inspired by something here:) Very cheap and easy to do, huh? I hope Marlene likes it! You do NOT want to ever experience a blizzard, trust me. It is about 9 degrees F here and is FREEZING! Thank God for HEAT! LOL. Thank you for your comment!!

  3. Fun projects! And what cutie pies you have I must say!! Found you on the homeschool hop!:)

  4. What an awesome week you had! Stopping by from the Hip Homeschool Hop!

  5. Thanks for visiting! We sort of do the same concept of the Letter of the Week. Your daughter is well ahead for her math! Way to go! I know you are a proud momma :)

  6. Hi Aria! I saw you on one of the blog hops and so glad I came by! Love your blog and your girls are so beautiful. I'm a homeschool mom of 6. This is our 11th year!!! Anyway, I'm now your newest follower. Followed you on Networked Blogs and I'll add you on Facebook too. Would love it if you'd follow back. :)

    Lisa xoxo


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