
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Our CHRISTmas Card Wreath!

What do you all do with the CHRISTmas cards that you receive?

Each year, I try to come up with something crafty, cute or fun to do with our cards, but somehow never get around to it. They typically sit on my desk, the kitchen counter or maybe I will tape them around the door frame entering the dining room(much to  my hubby's dismay:).This year, I was determined to get beyond just dreaming of some solution for the stacks of cards we usually receive!!

How cute and EASY is this?

I simply bought a plain evergreen wreath for $1.99 from Michael's 
and used some miniature clothesline type clips to attach each card.

Now, the girls cannot wait to check the mail and see what new cards we get
so that they can add them to our wreath!!
So, come on friends, send us your cards so that
we can display them on our wreath!!!

What are some of the ways you display your CHRISTmas cards??
Please share your ideas:)


  1. Very creative! Thank you for sharing.

  2. that is an adorable idea! right now all of mine are just in a pile :)

  3. Love this idea, I may just have to do that. I ususaly hang them on a photo wire with magnets, BUT the kids pull them off there (or the little one dose) I am sure that will look realy cool.


We really look forward to reading your comments, and appreciate you taking the time to share the love!