
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Letter Mm is for...{Weekly Wrap-Up}!

This has been another wonderful week of homeschool! 
Here is our learning chart for the week!
We had a lot of focus on the godly character trait "modesty." It was a great lesson and we really are driving home the old saying "pretty is as pretty DOES."

We really want our girls to learn to love themselves for what God made them to be and to accept themselves just as they are! I am (admittedly) a very "Plain Jane" type of woman, and I am ok with that. I could live with 3 pair of orthopedic comfortable shoes and some really broken in jeans, lol. I remember my Daddy used to always tell me "make up is to MAKE up for what you don't have on the inside." That has always stuck with me and I am not one to wear hardly any make up to this day. I hope to instill a healthy self-image in our girls (as we wade through the barrage of images targeting young girls) and teach them to value others for what they have on the inside, not for the simple packaging on the exterior!!

So, on to our lessons!!

M is for...Magnets is our {Science Spotlight} for the week!
We had a great time making this ice skating pond for our little gingerbread man to skate on (using paper clips as his skates). The girls spent a lot of time playing with this and showed it to anyone who came over!

We made a "skater dude" to ice skate around the pond on paper clips and attached a 
round magnet to the ruler and moved the "magnet wand" under the paper 
in order to make the skater dude skate around--so much fun!
We have since added some snow around the pond, 
but I haven't gotten around to updating my picture yet.

Here is a peak at some of our other Letter M/color brown lessons from this week.
 Memory Match Game

 Math Game
 Making a Color Brown Book

 Our Letter M printables.
 Money Lessons.
 More math.
 Playing a game with money where we price different items from around our home and take turns buying and selling each item. Helps with teaching about change and the different values of each coin or dollar. Fun stuff!
 Elle was just so excited, so I had to share how proud she is of her work!

 Marble Painting. Simple, not messy:) and a whole lot of fun!!

More measuring!

And, of course, we visited with our beloved alphabet box. 
In it we had a magnet, mosquito, mouse, magnifying glass, mints, moose etc.

 And now that our Christ-mas tree is up, I am having a hard time getting the girls to hang out anywhere else! They honestly LOVE sitting there by "their" tree and reading.

Here are some of our books from this week:

One of the great aspects of homeschooling is to be able to infuse our personal beliefs and Christian viewpoint into our lessons. It is so wonderful to use the God-lens when looking at various subjects. We had a lot of fun focusing on "ME" this week and
building godly self-esteem!

 The girls had a fun time making LIFE SIZED self-portraits!! I've gotta use up that
huge roll of white Christmas wrapping paper I bought!
And, lastly, the girls made edible self-portraits! They were fun and tasty!

Thank you so much for taking a glance at some of our homeschool activities for this week!
We really appreciate your readership and look forward to hearing from you!
If you like what you see, will you please tell a friend?

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  1. wow! I LOVE this post! nice to meet you! I too am a homeschooling mommy to 3 girls! :) I am a new follower, visiting from the homeschool hop!

  2. Just stopping by from the blog hop.
    Love all your wonderful ideas.
    My kids are older than yours (8,6,5) but I know they'd love that magnet ice skating pond!!!
    I also love that your already teaching your girls about modesty - this world we live in is one in which we are surrounded by the complete opposite.
    Oh we are so very blessed to be able to home school our precious children!

  3. Looks like a lot of fun! And a lovely tree, too. Who wouldn't want to sit by the tree and read? =)

    (visiting through the Hip homeschool hop!)

  4. What a neat post. Love all of the different works your children are doing in your home. The body tracing ones are favorites of my sons, too. The M activities look great. My younger son would enjoy these.
    Have a happy day and hop you will pop by my blog to say hello.

  5. Edible self portraits, very special ;) Thank you for linking to We Play this week.


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