
Friday, December 3, 2010

Homemade Christ-mas Wrapping Paper!

I STILL cannot believe that Christ-mas is almost here! I guess I had better hurry up and get all of my well planned out, heartfelt and thoughtful,   
last minute and mostly online shopping done;)

 I really have been eyeing the custom printed gift wrap you can purchase, but just could not justify the hefty expense, so we decided to make our own wrapping paper for Christmas!

I got some huge rolls of paper in white and brown and the girls are having a wonderful time wrapping and decorating presents for Daddy! {now, if they could only help wrap and decorate their own gifts, I would be in business, lol.}

We simply purchased some Christ-mas themed stamps and stickers from the local Dollar store and let the girls use their imaginations!

You see the massive roll of white paper I bought? We are going to put it to really good use;)

The girls REALLY enjoyed personalizing the gift wrap! I am thinking of letting them decorate their gifts in their own custom print or handprint or something so they will easily recognize their gifts (besides reading their names) on Christ-mas morning! Any suggestions??


  1. You are to cook! I like the wrapping paper Idea. I am a new follower. I am loving your blog

  2. Thank you for following-glad you are here!!


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