
Monday, November 15, 2010

Our homemade Butter and Mom's life lesson...

We got inspired to make our own butter from here. It was perfect timing since we just studied cows all week! Ireally liked how much the kids enjoyed making their own butter in the photos from this Montessori school!

Now, in our family, we are VERY anti-butter for the most part. We NEVER put butter on any of our vegetables, pancakes or potatoes. And, when we do use a "butter" we use one of those spreads that have no trans-fats, so it isn't even butter per se. So, this was one big treat for all of us! I plan to save it and use it for Thanksgiving. I hope it doesn't spoil before then.

 Even the baby, Ce Ce enjoyed shaking the cream!

 Ok, so the girls' arms got tired, so I decided to to use the mixer to finish it off.

Here, you can see how the butter has separated from the buttermilk. So cool! I wish I would've saved the buttermilk to make some biscuits with---didn't think of it at the time.

We were so proud of our butter!! My husband kept saying, "it's like REAL butter!" LMBO!!
We also got to talk about the difference between solids and liquids and learn about buttermilk as well. 

Now, on to the "Mommy's Life Lesson" in all of this. There are 2 morals to this story. 1st, I was planning to put the fixings for some whole wheat bread into our bread machine before we left for church, but we ran out of time and so that didn't happen. I was really disappointed (the kids could not have cared any less;) and really wanted to pass on making the butter until we had the "perfect" bread to go with it. Well, I am a bit slow on learning that it is about the "process" and not the final result. So, the Lord put it on my heart to be flexible and learn to go with the flow and use what we have to STILL have a great lesson with our family. So, we used crescent rolls---and had a great time!
The 2nd part of the story is how the cream can be used just as it is. It can then be shaken and blended and be turned into whipped cream. But, it has to be REALLY shaken and REALLY beaten in order to become butter--that sweet, fattening, delightful spread that so many people love to slather on everything and melt on popcorn, too. Have you ever been shaken by life? Have you ever had to go through some changes? Have you resulted in something or someone you never saw yourself becoming? I know I have....and I can praise God for holding my hand, and even carrying me through my often very turbulent life and showing me that I can come out the other side of the storm as a sweet condiment instead of a bitter root!!
Praise God!


  1. so fun! I remember making butter in school, we went to an old school house and we were able to make our own butter with cream in a baby food jar it wasnt alot so it wasnt so hard to make. We do not use butter on our vegetables either but I do use it on our chicken and in baking. Id love to make my own but I dont have a mixer lol so my arms would be sooo tired having to make a larger amount.

  2. Ooo, we'll have to try this in a year when my daughter's a little older. We don't use "real" butter either, but it sure is good!

    I know just what you're saying about having the "perfect" end result. That's something that I've struggled with too. It's so nice that as adults we're always learning even while we're teaching our children. God's pretty awesome.



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