
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Top 10 Reasons to Follow our Blog!

  1. You are CERTAIN to find something to laugh about or at least crack a smile, as our girls are pure comedy and keep us laughing all the time!
  2. You will see that our home is probably a lot like yours. No, we do not have a maid service or a personal chef. We maintain a crazy household with 2 adults, 3 children and 3 inside doggies that we love. I am still challenged with finding places to put everything, so you will see our "well-lived in" and "well-loved" home in pictures. I will not be doing any staging, so what you see is what you get, LOL.
  3. We hope to inspire you in some small (or great) way. Not that we believe everything we do is the perfect or "right" way to do things. Even if you do not homeschool, there are always lots of opportunities for fun with your children. 
  4. We love to eat--and we love to cook (I am not much of a baker, but I am trying). We don't eat hardly any sweets, so it is mainly breads, muffins etc. Maybe you will find something you would like to make.
  5. We hope this will be a warm and friendly environment for sharing (two-ways).  So, please feel free to contribute your comments, share your ideas and ask questions. All I ask that if you disagree, you remain respectful. Just like in marriage, we may not always agree, but we can always agree to be agreeable;)
  6. We believe homeschooling can take place wherever you are, and so we take our classroom a lot of fun and exciting places. We are planning trips around the country and the world to expose our children to various cultures. You will get a FREE vacation by journeying with us via this blog. No passport required!
  7. We hope to share how God is moving in our lives and how we serve others through the love of Christ and His example. We trust that God's love will be palpable as you are reading our posts.
  8. If you are homeschooling, know someone who is or you are considering homeschooling, we hope this will be a place for you to get ideas, resources and find answers to your questions. And remember, "never say never." We never imagined in a million years that we would be one of "those" many proud homeshooling families;)
  9. If you are our real life friends and/or family, you can have a glimpse into our lives and watch our girls grow into all that God has planned for them. Though, we do still fully expect you to come and visit every now and then!
  10. If you are someone who loves to edit and proof read, we are certain you will find errors and omissions in some of these (often very late night) posts. Have fun mentally correcting them;)

1 comment:

  1. I love your top ten! BTW also love your reasons for homeschooling. Wouldn't be easier to just handout a flyer for all the questions we get? lol I'm a homeschool preschool newbie this year and will be following your site for ideas.


We really look forward to reading your comments, and appreciate you taking the time to share the love!