
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Our Homemade Pumpkin Pie Play Dough!

The new recipe I was telling you about, found here, turned out wonderfully!! I did have to improvise on a couple of things though. I didn't have the full amount of cream of tartar, and I felt it needed a bit of flour dusting on the counter prior to kneading it. Otherwise, it was the perfect project to do with Em and Ce Ce while Elle was at gymnastics class! It was so fun to roll it out while it was still slightly warm.

Elle was more than happy to join us when she got home. Look at her lovely pumpkin pie she made--with a cherry on top;-)

You MUST try this---it will leave your home smelling like fall, but I must WARN you, you WILL want to bake a pie or at least some cookies afterwards, lol.

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