
Monday, October 25, 2010

Leaves Falling Down Craft! {Really cool!}

We are continuing to study fall this week under our letter F for the week. We found this awesome craft idea here and really enjoyed making it! Elle was able to put it together all by herself (once I cut out the template). It is a fall scene with leaves that "fall" from the trees in a ziploc bag. It is one of the cutest craft ideas I have ever seen! Enjoy!

 When you shake the bag, the leaves fall down! Isn't that adorable?

We also went out for another nature hike and Elle wanted to collect leaves from our favorite tree. Elle and Em both enjoyed some time playing outside as well. Here are a few of our adventure photos and crafts

Elle had a lot of fun completing her fall leaves math game.

 Girls collecting acorns.

Here our sweet Ce Ce is enjoying the fall leaf!

We found this amazing book for classifying leaves and trees-it is perfect to continue our fall studies. We really enjoyed matching up the leaves we have collected. Elle is excited to place the stickers on each page of the leaves she has spotted. What an awesome learning tool!

Thanks for checking out our fall adventures! I also linked up at the Hip Homeschool Hop found The Hip Homeschool Hop and here,


  1. What a great craft idea! I'm curious about the book you are using to classify the leaves and trees. I sure would appreciate it if you could tweet me the name of it (@mommiekate). I'm so glad to have found you through the Hip Homeschool Blog Hop!

  2. I love the falling leaves craft! Thank you for sharing it!

  3. we have done a few fall projects, this one is really neat I am going to have to give it a go. We have made October and November mostly about Autumn things, so far we did birds flying south, changing leaves, and harvest time. This week its Halloween(of course we cant get in to how it originated and all that until there older)

  4. I too would love to know the name of the book you are using. Maybe you could post it the comment box on my blog StartsAtEight <.com> . (I don't tweet) I love the craft and plan to do it with my 4 year old. Stopping in from Hip Homeschool Hop.

  5. So cute- looks so fun! Your girls are adorable!
    Stopping by from Hip Homeschool Hop and am now following your blog. :)

  6. Oh wow, what a great shaky leaf project! Love it!

    Kids Get Crafty

  7. That ziploc bag project is very cool!

  8. Those are truly some great activities! Oh, I wish I had homeschool'd my older children during preschool....our home would have been less hectic! Thanks so much for linking up at the Homeschool Village!

  9. That IS really cool! I love all of your activities. Your girls are precious. And the baby in the Bumbo picture is adorable.

  10. The leaf shaking bag is so cute. My son would play with it for hours.

  11. That ziploc baggie is super it! We'll have to try something like that when it starts to snow!

  12. I agree ~ the falling leaf craft is adorable! Lots of leaf fun going on at your house!


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