
Thursday, October 14, 2010

God's PERFECT timing!

We were out shopping for homeschool materials and randomly met a young lady who was in line behind us. We chatted a bit and she shared with us that she was homechooled-yay! Not only did she encourage us greatly, but she also emailed me some contact info of another homeschooling Mom that, in turn, connected us with her WONDERFUL CHRISTIAN Homeschool Co-op!!! Well, here is the clincher----the girl we met is leaving TODAY for a 6 month Mission Trip (as a Nurse) to Tanzania. God just had to place her in our lives at that appointed time for the purpose of supplying us with exactly what we were looking for!!!!! Our family has been praying for direction in our homeschooling path and this is just what we were praying for---Praise God!!!

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