
Monday, October 18, 2010

Fun with Pumpkins (and seeds)

We love using books to guide our learning lessons! With it being fall right now, we incorporated many books on fall, the leaves, seeds, how plants grow and pumpkins. Here is a look at our fun with pumpkins! There are really a lot of lessons you can weave into the pumpkin/fall theme. Sorting, sizing, counting, math, estimating, and more!

Our oldest and youngest are here working on the medium sized pumpkin. Elle wanted to "dissect" hers using a latex glove. Ce Ce, the baby in my arms, must have been wondering WHAT IN THE WORLD Elle was doing---just look at the look on her face, LOL!!!

We had the girls estimate how many seeds were in each pumpkin. We were highly impressed by their guesses!!

Then, we opened up our pumpkins, compared the seeds and roasted them (yum!).

 I also shared this post Here for Show and Tell

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